PROMOTER: the events of summer 2023

The PROMOTER Interreg Europe project implemented with the participation of the South Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd. (STRIA) promotes territorial strategies for sustainable mobility through green energy prosumer hubs.

The international kick-off conference of the project took place on June 28-29, 2023 in Livorno, Italy. During the event the PROMOTER partners briefly presented their starting positions regarding territorial strategies, sustainable mobility and green energy prosumer hubs. Besides the two employees of the STRIA being present, two colleagues from the Managing Authority of the Integrated Transport Development Operational Programme Plus also participated in the opening event.

July-August 2023 was dedicated for the analysis of the situation in South Transdanubia / Hungary. Here STRIA compiled two documents.

One was a review of the so-called readiness indicators. In doing so, we reviewed the domestic situation of renewable energy communities, which are novel and crucial from the point of view of producer-consumer (prosumer) hubs, from a legislative, behaviourial/organizational, economic, and technological points of view. The same analysis also reviewed aspects of operation and issues of environmental protection.

The other material was a Status Quo Report, which, taking into account current statistical data and trends, described the features of the South Transdanubian region (energy and environmental features, population, settlement structure), mobility, energy particluarities, and the infrastructure related to these two latter areas. The report also included an inventory of the most important stakeholders, an overview of the legal and financial frameworks relevant to the topic of the project, and – as usual – a concise SWOT analysis.

Due to the summer break period, we did not meet the mentioned stakeholders either online or in person. The missed 1st PROMOTER stakeholder meeting will be replaced in September 2023.

Regarding the communication and dissemination of PROMOTER, STRIA prepared the required project poster, as well as a Hungarian and an English roll-up. A description of the project in Hungarian and English can be found on STRIA website, but the same and even more information is available on the official PROMOTER website at: .

The PROMOTER project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and Hungary within the Interreg Europe Programme.

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