FRiDGE – Development of food industry SME competitiveness for better potentials in growth
More about the project:
The FRiDGE project focuses on the competitiveness of food SMEs, which the project aims to improve by focusing on three main pillars:
1) increasing production capacity, acquiring new equipment and reviewing financing solutions,
2) access to local and international (EU and non-EU) markets for local products; market acquisition through non-innovation-based product development,
3) increase productivity to achieve better positions in competition with non-EU markets.
In order to help the food and drink sector maintain its position on the world market, the partnership seeks to contribute to the promotion of best practices between regions and the exchange of experiences between regions through the development of relevant operational programs and regional policies.
The working method will be unique, as each partner will focus on two of the three themes of the project, while also contributing to the overall results.
Good Practices identified during the project:
Project details:
Project duration: 2019.08.01-2023.07.31.
Total project cost: 1 180 604 EUR
Funding source: Interreg Európa Program
Lead partner:
TMFÜ Tolna Megyei Fejlesztési Ügynökség Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. (HU)
Hargita Megye Tanácsa (RO)
Kompetenzzentrum für Ernährung (DE)
Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia (FI)
University of Western Macedonia (EL)
Economic Council of East Flanders (BE)
Contact info:
Webpage: www.interregeurope.eu/fridge
Social media: @InterregFridge
Facebook: Interreg Fridge https://www.facebook.com/InterregFridge/
Twitter: Interreg Fridge, https://twitter.com/InterregFridge
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Second newsletter
Third newsletter
Fourth newsletter