Improved landscape governance for economic and environmental sustainability
- On March 31st PROGRESS-InterregEurope project organises its 4rd Interregional Workshop on ecosystem services from 6 EU territories, both in person, Firenze-Italy and as an on-line event.
- Good practices in Landscape Governance as a spatial planning strategy to reconciling a mix of environmental, social, and economic interests. Identifying, evaluating, and applying the Landscape Governance approach is key to the planning future of European societies.
- The workshop is organised by ANCI Toscana and will be complemented on April 1st with a visit to Garfagnana Region (North Toscana) and its exemplary model on agrobiodiversity governance.
Participation to this 4th workshop is free and targeted to policy and decision makers who can improve their practise with PROGRESS methodologies. The overarching theme of the workshop will be the Improving landscape governance for economic and environmental sustainability at all scales (national, regional, local). Over the last 6 months, project partners have analysed and discussed with their stakeholder networks that are following-up PROGRESS and identified Good Practices following the InterregEurope GP models. “We want to bring to the European debate examples on how to implement the Landscape governance, identified by all PROGRESS partners”, says Marina Lauri, presenter of the workshop on behalf of ANCI Toscana.
9 presenters will show good practices from the 6 PROGRESS participating countries in 3 topic panels: Analysis –> Agreements-> Actions. Examples will show how to apply landscape governance as an innovative planning useful instrument of policy and decision making to achieve economic and environmental sustainability, contributing to the policy development aim of Interreg Europe. The full program is annexed and also available at the registration site on-line.
Complementing the public workshop, the day after (April 1st) representatives of PROGRESS partners will visit Camporgiano, Le Piane (Province of Lucca) lead by the Union of Municipalities of Garfagnana and the Association Community of food and agrobiodiversity of Garfagnana. This Community, is a social association aimed at the enhancement and promotion of local agrobiodiversity as a material and intangible heritage of cattle breeds and agricultural varieties.
As a result of this 4th Interregional workshop PROGRESS will produce a thematic handbook, InterregEurope good practices and a policy brief, all will be available on the project website.
About PROGRESS-InterregEurope
PROGRESS is a 2019-2023 InterregEurope project funded by the ERDF with 1,4 M €. Its aim is to tackle Operational Plans at regional or national level and other strategies dealing with the protection and valuing biodiversity and ecosystem services. The approach is based on policy learning and capacity building of the partner organizations and relevant stakeholders of the concerned policy subsystems under 4 strands: measurement of cost & benefit of ecosystem services, Integration into policy and Planning, innovative payments for ecosystem services and landscape sustainability governance.